Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wash Day

  •  I used roots of nature Shea butter green tea stimulating scalp oil on my scalp and EVOO on the length of my hair to do a hot a oil treatment; 15 minutes under my cap sitting under the dryer, then five minutes to cool down.
  • I shampooed with Cantu Shea butter moisturizing cream shampoo (love how soft it makes my hair feel).
  • Deep conditioned for 45 minutes (30 mins with heat, 15 without) with hydrating macadamia oil intensive moisture mask (this stuff just melted into my hair as I applied it, and it makes it soo soft).
  • Did an ACV rinse as my final rinse.
  • I then proceeded to let it air-dry. When it was about 95% dry, I began to detangle. This was frustrating like it always is (especially recently).
  • I then moisturized with my my trusted Cantu Shea Butter leave in conditioning repair cream and sealed with coconut oil.

The day before I washed, while I was preparing my hair by finger detangling and getting out as much of the curls as I could, I began inspecting my ends and noticed that I had some split ends. Now sad as I was, I knew that if I had gotten my hair trimmed after my last relaxer this could have been avoided. I just wasn't feeling my ends, but because I didn't see any splits I thought I could get away with it. Boy was I wrong! So at one month post, I had to suck it up, scrounge up the cash and venture back to the salon more than two months ahead of time. 

Because I'm currently participating in a Protective-styling-challenge I was rather hesitant, so I went back and looked over the rules and didn't see anything about trimming so I am a bit uncertain as to whether I am still eligible. Anyway, my hair felt and continues to feel great after the trim. The softness is more pronounced; even though it still feels rough, the roughness is more subdued. Now my hands are constantly in my hair, NOT GOOD.

Belle Moi

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