Thursday, July 25, 2013

Seriously...WHAT'S UP WITH MY HAIR???

So I have been ensuring that I consistently m&s, and my hair loves it, BUUUUT, it has been tangling and feeling extremely dry. I.E. my efforts at moisturizing are no longer lasting as long as it is supposed to :(.
 On Tuesday my hair felt so crunchy and dry to the touch, but once I got my moisturizer in and did an overnight baggy, my hair felt better. Honestly, the bulk of my problems lie at my ends. They refuse to remain moisturized for long, and they are once again in love with each other. I may have to eventually give in and get another trim to alleviate the problem, but for now I'm just going to keep on babying my hair.

Belle Moi.


  1. I'm sorry you're having trouble with your hair. And you may be right that it could be a sign that you need a trim, especially if your ends are tangling.
    I'm still struggling with trying to understand my hair. I have noticed that when I just plain air dry my hair doesn't stay as moisturized and my ends feel dry causing me to think I need a trim, but when I rollerset my hair my ends feel very smooth. I just can't figure this head of mine out sometimes! lol

    1. The same happen to my ends when I air dry, it also happens if I have my hair down and it's humid...Thank you :0)

  2. You have a solid plan of babying your ends so I would say stick with it. Like Andrea my hair decided to do his own thing, without my permission! :/

    1. That makes me feel better, especially since I just got a trim. I'll baby it as much as I can.

  3. Our hair can be as finicky as a new born child. It can be challenging to require out what works and what doesn't. Whenever my hair feels "off" I get back to alternating moisture and protein in my regimen. For some reason, that always gets me back on track.

    1. I did something Like that, I went all out on my last wash day, at least I had planned to. I hope my efforts pay off.
