Sunday, July 28, 2013

Wash Day

Due to the fact that my hair as been acting up recently I decided to forgo a prepoo and do the following on my wash day last thursday:
Lathered twice with Suave Naturals daily clarifying shampoo-to see if build up is the reason my hair has been acting like a strainer recently.

Coffee Rinse- decided to try this new step to see if my hair would in fact benefit from it. I don't normally shed a lot, I rarely shed really my problem lies more with breakage, so the amount of shed hair that I have been seeing, though still a small amount, has been troubling. Ergo  the coffee rinse. Looking to see if it makes a difference

Protein Treatment by placing Redken Extreme strength builder plus on top of the coffee for 25 minutes.
Hydrating macadamia oil conditioner heat-less, with a bag for probably an hour, I have no idea to be honest.

I then air dried using my fingers to speed up the process. My ends felt better and has remained okish thus far. Here's to hoping it only gets better.

Belle Moi


  1. Replies
    1. Because of the way I did it it's kinda hard to tell my reaction to it. However, my hair did get slightly stiff when I applied it and my shedding is a weee bit less.
