Monday, January 14, 2013

Wash Day

 Let me start by saying I did everything in sections. I parted my hair and applied my pree-poo and ended up with six plaits. From washing out the oils to applying each product and washing it out, I undid each section one at a time and held the ends in my hand in order to reduce tangles and re-plait each after I was done. I picked up this trick awhile back from a naturalista on YouTube, and I must say I am glad I used it today. Though it was tedious, it saved me some troubles.
  • I pre-pooed overnight with a mix of EVOO and eucalyptus oils on my scalp and the length of my hair and conditioner on my ends.
  • Shampooed with Cantu Shea butter moisturizing cream shampoo.
  • Did a heavy protein treatment with aphogee two-step protein treatment.
  • Deep Conditioned with Every Strand Aloe Vera Treatment: Deep Conditioning Hair Cream for a little more than an hour (fell asleep during this session).
  • Finished up with an ACV rinse.

My hair felt soft throughout, and fortified after the protein treatment. However, it continues to feel rough, and my ends seem to be in love with each other. When all was said and done, I tied my scalp around my hairline and left it to air-dry. When it was 80% dry, I detangled with my wide-toothed comb then moisturized with my trusted Cantu Shea Butter leave in conditioning repair cream and sealed with coconut oil.

Once completely dry, I got my cousin to plait it for me; this is how I will be wearing it for the next two weeks. Gotta keep protecting them ends babeee! lol.

Texture shot at almost two weeks post.

Belle Moi.

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